call it in, take it off

call it in, take it off
The Sick Lion Summons the Animals to His Bedside. From the Sick Lion blockbook, 2nd ed. (Germany, circa 1465). Image courtesy the Met Museum.

Hello, worldbuilders! It's been quiet here this last week, because around this time on the Sunday previous I started thinking "hmm, I don't feel so great", and by the evening I was feeling (as we Brits say) like death warmed over.

Hell knows what hit me, because seven days down the line I'm feeling mostly back to normal. But it was more than nasty enough to oblige me to cancel my talk on Monday, and to avoid attending The Conference—partly for fear of becoming The Superspreader Guy, but also because I was in no state to be out of the house.

Well, them's the breaks sometimes. There would have been no essay or interview this week anyway—because I was gonna be at The Conference, see?—but it still feels like a bit of a lost week.


Still, there's always the weeknotes, if you want the nitty-gritty details:

week 35 / 2024
Why do they call it “a cold” if a) you can get it in the summer, and b) it makes you feel hot and fevered? This week, things have been slow, for reasons of plague.

Some good news in there regarding projects both ongoing and oncoming!

But that's basically all I've got for you this week, I'm afraid. Next week will be better, I'll betcha.

station ID

Worldbuilding Agency is the online research journal of Magrathea Futures AB, and is written and managed by Paul Graham Raven. Perhaps you'd like to learn more about the site?

Magrathea Futures AB is a boutique creative and critical futures studio, providing worldbuilding and foresight services to the more interesting and adventurous ends of the public, private and academic sectors. If you are wondering what MFAB could do for you, why not get in touch and arrange a call to discuss it?

Thanks for reading. Drop me a note and say hello, tell me what you're up to?

