feeling out the format

Less a round-up of the last week on Worldbuilding Agency, and more an exploration of what such round-ups will likely look like, on weeks when things have actually happened.

feeling out the format
The Actor, Matsumoto Koshiro I 1674–1730, Reading a Letter by Katsukawa Shunkō (public domain, courtesy of the Met Museum).

Hello, worldbuilders!

This is the first weekly round-up newsletter from Worldbuilding Agency, and I'd like to thank you for subscribing.

I'm not yet sure what I'll do with this, format-wise.

Those of you following by RSS will already have seen the weeknotes for Week 29, for which I have been slowly developing a format behind closed doors: I sum up what I've been up to, before sharing One Big Thing and One Small Thing that I've been thinking about, plus a clipping of whatever I thought was the thing I read on the internet that was most worth sharing.

I considered using that format for these weekly emails, but I'm a somewhat prolix kinda person. So I decided that people might prefer a briefer thing in their inbox that provides the opportunity for indulging my verbosity rather than forcing it upon them.

As such, here's a fancy "card" that teasers this week's Weeknotes:

Week 29 / 2024
This week: ethnography-in-reverse as an analogy for narrative prototyping... and the infrastructurality of the scroll-wheel?

I'll provide a link like that every week, because Weeknotes are the one category of posts here that will not be sent as email. (Unless there's some sort of public outcry, I guess... which seems unlikely, but who knows?)

I will also provide links to anything else that has been published on Worldbuilding Agency in the last week. I can't do that this week, though, as I haven't published anything! So you'll see this in action next week, instead. How exciting, eh?

In lieu of a substantive thing to read on WA, I guess you could always pop over to my personal blog and read my thoughts on the publication of a chapter of sociotechnical theory that I think of as my academic swansong.

Paradoxical Containment: The Double Externalization of Packaging, and the Overextension of the Metasystemic Prosthesis – Velcro City Tourist Board

(Perhaps I'll use these emails to point to my writings elsewhere, though I'll try to avoid pointing you at my personal blog, because I assume that if you wanted to be following my personal blog, you already would be. You're very welcome to do so!)

What else? Again, the weeknotes will cover the week-to-week operations of Magrathea Futures AB, but substantive announcements and major milestones will probably merit a mention here, too.

Given the production of this research journal is currently being subsidised by my consulting practice, I guess I'll probably also want to include some sort of call-to-action, reminding anyone in need of creative, critical and climate-oriented futures expertise to get in touch and tell me what you're struggling with. We can take a call—no cost, no commitment! Our operators are waiting, &c &c.

If you've got suggestions regarding what should show up in these emails, by all means write in and let me know (or pipe up in the comments on the site, if you prefer).

In the meantime, I guess that'll be all for this week. Thanks for reading!