less magic, more traffic

less magic, more traffic
If that's not giving you grazed-knee flashbacks, then you clearly had a safer childhood than I did. Killarnee, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hello, worldbuilders! It feels a lot like the roundabout just hasn't stopped spinning over the week just gone—and next week it's The Conference, which means the metaphorical carny will be reaching out his hairy hand to give it another good shove... which means there's not yet time for us to step off and... uh, buy ourselves a nice refreshing toffee apple?

(Nor, indeed, an even slightly less over-stretched analogical image. Hey, look—it's Sunday, and that's really the best I've got right now.)


I may be jumping the gun a little bit, here, as it's due to be officially launched this coming week at The Conference... but newsletters are supposed to be all about the exclusive heard-it-here-first CONTENT™, right?

Right! So here's a sneak peek at the latest foresight cycle publication from my good friends and colleagues at Media Evolution, which features four scenarios of future infrastructure, lovingly turned into short fictions by yours truly:

That title, though. And hey, there's a Deb Chachra essay in there, too!

There will be a free-to-download version, as always; I will let you know when and where. Physical copies are also available to anyone passing through Malmö.

essay: no one is to blame, everyone is complicit

In case you missed it, this was your longread for the week:

no one is to blame, but everyone’s complicit: the necessity of practice-based theories of change
Before I start digging deep into practice-based theories of change, it’s well worth asking why I think they’re useful.

Jared Shurin said that I was "barbecueing the sacred cows of 'strategy'", which is a fine compliment coming from a man who likes barbecue as much as he does; Ganzeer also had nice things to say about it. Feels like a job well done.


They're still taking a bit longer than an hour, but at least they're no longer taking much, much more than an hour... yes, that's right, your friend and mine, The Weeknotes:

week 34 / 2024
Apparently adults don’t get a sticker for visiting the dentist, even when they’ve not been for two decades? ANYWAY—this week, tales are constituting tellers, and patterns are undergoing recognition.

Book-related blather is definitely starting to play a more prominent role, isn't it? Well, that shouldn't come as a surprise... and particularly not to me, of all people.

What have you been reading? If you think I might like it, why not let me know? Make a stay-at-home desk jockey happy, and send them an email (or a website comment)!

station ID

Worldbuilding Agency is the online research journal of Magrathea Futures AB, and is written and managed by Paul Graham Raven. Perhaps you'd like to learn more about the site?

Magrathea Futures AB is a boutique creative and critical futures studio, providing worldbuilding and foresight services to the more interesting and adventurous ends of the public, private and academic sectors. If you are wondering what MFAB could do for you, why not get in touch and arrange a call to discuss it?

In the meantime, thanks for reading.
