Week 26 / 2024

Week 26 / 2024
Bergen, Norway

This weeknotes will be brief, as the whole week has been spent on site in Bergen, Norway, doing workshops for PROJECT TEMPORAL.

And I guess you get to learn at the same time as me that there will be weeks like this, when the weeknotes simply state that you spent the whole week away from home and/or immersed in work with clients, and skip the supplementary content.

This has been the Worldbuilding Agency weeknotes for Week 26 of 2024. Thanks for reading! If you've enjoyed them, it's free to subscribe, but please consider supporting this research journal with a small monthly payment—you'll get access to the occasional bit of Exclusive Content ™️, and you'll be funding free subscriptions for those with fewer monetary resources, but first and foremost you'll get the warm glow that only ever comes from enabling fully independent and climate-focussed foresight research to continue.

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Have a good weekend.